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About Us

One of the most important decisions you will make whilst running a multi-site business will be your choice of energy supplier. Managing consumption, searching for efficiencies and even accurate billing can easily become complex and time consuming. Researching and maintaining the best possible tariffs can also seem daunting in a fraught and complicated market place.

Pozitive Energy are different.

You can rely on us in a new way because we are both an energy supplier and tech company in one. By sharing our sophisticated in-house monitoring software and apps, we are able to offer bespoke, low-cost tariffs based exclusively on your unique circumstances and precise energy requirements. Unlike most suppliers our unique setup means we respond swiftly to new customer needs.
If you are a business looking for a new breed of energy partner, one that works faster and smarter – offers sustainable electricity without the premium and competitive gas – then we want to help you switch to a more pozitive experience.

Welcome to Pozitive Energy.