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Green on Demand.
Low costs. Complete transparency

We’re here to give you the best possible energy deal. Low tariffs and full analytics at your fingertips.

Clear. Cost-focused. Clever.

Our technology is what makes us different.  Our unique platform means we can create tailor-made, low-cost tariffs that match your business’s unique needs, perfectly.


Our fixed prices include everything – so you needn’t worry about nasty surprises. Costs stay fixed for throughout your plan for confident forecasting.


We only deal with businesses, and we know what companies need from their energy supplier: simplicity, cost focus and total control.

Green Energy On Demand

We care about the planet & our focus is to provide not just competitive carbon-neutral gas and green energy through Pozitive Energy but also make bespoke solutions that are built around the need of businesses in the ever-changing environment.


Our digital infrastructure has been hand-built to match businesses’ needs. We’re efficient and completely flexible, so we will deliver a solution that’s bespoke to you.


We’ll install a FREE Automated Meter Reading device within 6 weeks – so there’s no need for you to give us readings. Unlike other suppliers we don’t increase standing charges to fund metering.


Our bills are simple and accurate. We customise multisite customers’ bills to match branch or site codes so that accounting is faster and easier.